Winter Skin Saviours: The Cream Of The Crop

Winter is hell for your skin – fact. The cold, wind and rain, as well as the central heating and lack of outdoor time and sunshine (we all need a good dose of vitamin D) all wreak havoc with our skin during these colder months.

I am not one of those people that likes a beauty fad. I don’t collect products or skip from one thing to the next. I like what I like, and I know what works for me. So for that exact reason, I didn’t used to really switch up my skincare throughout the seasons either. With hindsight (that wonderful thing!) this was actually a big mistake. The changes in the environment mean that we need to change our routines to keep up with the elements. Whilst I might use a nice light tinted moisturiser throughout summer, this doesn’t do the same job for me in the winter months.

So, with that in mind, I thought i’d share my four winter skin saviours. Thats it, just four – as I said, I don’t mess around when it comes to products that work. I tend to stick to the same brands throughout the year, but switch to a slightly heavier/thicker, more nourishing form in the winter. Throughout my pregnancy I’ve had pretty dry skin, so I’ve needed to get as much moisture as I can, all over my body. So if you’re looking for something for all over body, hands, face or feet – here are my staples:

Creme de la mer – The Renewal Oil 

Quite possibly the best thing you will buy for your face. Ever. You can use it in the morning or evening and only need the smallest amount. It is on the pricey side, but I have used this for years and it is totally worth it.

Aurelia – Firm and Revitalise Dry body Oil

I’m a big fan of oils for the body rather than creams as they penetrate deeper into the skin. And for that exact reason, the more natural they are the better. Aurelia has been on my skincare radar for a while. I love the fact that it’s all pro-biotic and has very few ingredients. Plus with this being a dry oil, you don’t feel like you’re sliding all over the place when you put it on as it just soaks straight into the skin. I’ve been using this all winter and love it so much, i’ll be trying out some of their other products for spring/summer too.

Skinceuticals – Glycolic 10 renew Overnight

Much Like La Mer, I have been using Skinceuticals products for years and love everything i’ve used so far. This winter I started using their Glycolic 10 Renew Overnight treatment. Although you can use this every night, I actually only use it once or twice a week and still see a great result afterwards. It’s one of those products that makes a huge difference when you do use it. The glycolic acid really brightens and softens your skin.

Nuxe – Super Skin Repair Balm

Confession – I am a French pharmacy addict – anyone else? Every year when we visit somewhere in France I stock up on everything from suncreams (theirs are without a doubt the best), cleaners and baby products. I can’t explain why they are so good, they just are – maybe thats another blog post in itself, reviewing my lost list of French favourites…. Anyway, one of my all-time go to French brands is Nuxe. Again, whether it’s a body oil, shower gel or balm, they are all fantastic. I started using this repair balm in the autumn as I tend to get really dry hands when the weather starts to turn cold. This is one of those balms though that you can pretty much use anywhere. Chapped elbows, cracked heels, sore lips? This is your saviour. I literally lather it all over my hands every night before bed and let it works it’s magic.
