Working Mum Series: Pippa Cooke, Founder of Bon Bride

Happy February everyone, and welcome to this months ‘Working Mum Series’ interview with Pippa Cooke – Founder and Creator of the gorgeous Bon Bride who make bespoke wedding dresses. If you’re getting married this year, or just looking for wedding inspiration then head over to Pippa’s site and have a look. The bespoke gowns are divine, and her new collection launches later this year.

Pippa’s interview below gives us a an insight into her world as a working mum, running her own business. Clearly working for yourself gives you a lot of flexibility – I think most people that i’ve interviewed for this series have also stated this. But as Pippa mentions below, is there such a thing as balance? As mums (and working ones in particular) we are always trying to do EVERYTHING – usually because the guilt kicks in. Sometimes letting go of even the smallest things are the most difficult. This is definitely something that I need to learn to do better when baby number two comes along.

I hope you all enjoy the interview, do get in touch if you have any questions, or would like to take part in the series.



Bon Bride website –

Bon Bride Instagram –

Wedding photographs by Millar Cole Photography –

Lisa talks to Pippa Cooke – Founder and Creator of Bon Bride

1.Please introduce yourself – what is your job, how many children you have, where you are from etc

Hello, my name is Pippa and I have have my own wedding dress label – Bon bride. A dress destination for non traditional, more fashion conscious brides, we offer bespoke and also have a collection launching this year. I live in London however am originally from Leeds, Yorkshire. I Married my childhood sweetheart Jon 5 years ago and we have 2 gorgeous girls. Bonnie 2 years and Rowe 7 months. I did a fashion and clothing degree at Leeds college and went on to work in Buying at Topshop, House of Hackney and Harrods.

2. How many days/hours a week do you work?

Each week varies but I try and book in all my appointments on either the same day or in the same week. I work best at night so I often sneak into my studio once the kids are down. I also work during nap times too which can be very unpredictable and un-productive!

3. Describe a typical working day in your household (i.e. morning routines with nursery/school drop offs to evening)

A typical day in our household will start with one of the girls waking. My husband and I then tend to rock, paper, scissors (so to speak) as to who gets up. For some reason I am particularly good at this game so my husband gets up with the eldest and they have a nice morning/breakfast together. I then tend to Rowe until my husband leaves for work around 8am. I walk Bonnie to nursery which I treat as my excersise for the day. A double buggy up a hill for 20 mins there and back twice a day is a burner so it kills 2 birds.
I have breakfast and put Rowe down for her morning nap. I usually have between an hour or 2 to get emails and appointments booked in for the following week so I set the baby monitor up and head into the studio. My ideas always come at night the minute I get into bed so it’s a frantic rush the next morning to either sketch something up or note something down! Also its crazy how productive you can be not only being a mum but when you know you have limited time! I seem to work so much faster and more efficiently than I ever did before.

Once Rowe wakes we either head to the park or baby cinema or just with hang with friends. I’m so fortunate to have a lot of friends with babies too so its nice to have the support and help. I then collect Bonnie from nursery and then it’s the battle of juggling 2 x babies, getting them bathed and in bed for 7pm. Particularly hard if Jon is home late. (I always dread the 5.00pm text message from him ) its either “ just left work now….. “ and i’m
like YES!!! or its “ Sorry babes, gonna be a late one (followed by the emoji with the rolling eyes) “ and i’m like NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Especially if I have clients coming round at 7.30pm. It’s a mad rush to then tidy the house and make myself half presentable!! I’m then back in the studio picking up where I left off until Jon arrives home with either an itsu (which I love) or something similar! Its then a quick tidy up, showered and in bed for 10.30pm to do it all again the next day.

4. How do you balance working life with motherhood? And what/who do you rely on to make it work?

Gosh is that a thing?? Balance?? Ha! I thought I had that nailed when I just had one child but with 2 there is no balance. I definitely don’t put my work first which shows as i’ve been trying to get my collection out and completed for a year now but new babies, new house and lots of bespoke orders has kept me very busy. My family definitely come first but now Rowe is 7 months i’m hoping to have more time to spend on Bon Bride. It has so much potential and we get so many gorgeous brides come through our doors, which need a lot more of my time.

5. What is the best thing about being a working mum?

The best thing is just having complete control. If you’re organised you can really plan your time well and pick and choose your days. Also i’m so fortunate that I can take Rowe with me to supplier meetings, or into town searching for fabrics etc. I also have a super helpful husband who pushes and support my every step.

6. And the hardest?

The hardest is you cant give 100% ever!! Or at least I don’t feel that I can, and that’s not just to the kids that’s to work too but I need to learn to stop putting the pressure on myself and just do your best.

7. How do you unwind? Balancing motherhood with work can be relentless so what do you do to relax when you’re not at work/with the kid(s)?

Sketching in my studio is my relaxing time, I know that sounds crazy but shutting myself away, lighting my candles and putting the music on completely calms me down. Sketching especially is so therapeutic it completely chills me out. Other things include, dates nights, country walks/pubs having our friends over and buying plants! I love buying plants!!

8. What is your proudest mum moment?

Gosh so many but both girls weren’t very well when they were born, especially Bonnie our irst so seeing her pull through every scan, every developmental check has made us the proudest parents alive!! She is a strong cookie and that’s more and more apparent every day. She is feisty and she is strong willed and I’m so proud of that!

9. Do you feel that motherhood has changed you, and if so, how?

I don’t know if i’ve changed (my friends and husband may disagree) but I definitely feel like my life has changed. Motherhood gave me the courage to quit the mundane and take a risk on something else which I wouldn’t have done otherwise. Its made me braver and more committed but it also gives me so much anxiety!!

10. What do you feel are the biggest challenges facing working mums at the moment? 

Not only is it hard enough going to work every day and leaving your babies with a stranger but the pressure put on mums to do both and do it to its max ability has to be the biggest challenge. I feel so fortunate to work under my own terms but I really feel for others that don’t have that choice. I do however think there is a shift occurring in business women, especially for new mums at the moment. I am seeing so many of my ex-colleagues setting up at home and creating some amazing brands. So much talent has been lost due to poor management and inflexibilty but so many new amazing brands/companies are emerging because of that. It inspires me that women aren’t just taking the only option they are given. However its such a shame that companies are willing to loose them instead of offering support and flexibility. It really isn’t much to ask.

11. What is your proudest work achievement?

Every time I say farewell to a bride with her dress in tow I get emotional and proud. I know its just a dress and we are not saving lives but your wedding dress is such an exciting and important aspect of a wedding. We also have so many appointments together and you really get to know each of them and form a bond. I always get so sad when I say goodbye. However,
the majority are still in touch, in fact we are having cocktails on Saturday with one of my very first brides.

12. What does ‘flexible working’ mean to you?

Flexible working to me means keeping everyone and everything happy and in order, and if that mean’s that I need to prepare meals or emails at midnight then that’s what i’ll do. As long as the job is complete and done well then everyone is happy.

13. What are your go to stores/websites/blogs for your working wardrobe, and what are your staple pieces as a working mum?

I have very little time to visit shops now so I do a lot of online shopping but I hate to throw things out so my wardrobe is ancient and the classics always come back around. I’m loving anything cream and white at the moment and worn together. I’m obsessed with my new cream jeans from Zara, worn with a loose t-shirt and I live in my Balenciaga speed mid top trainers, which go with everything!! I am also obsessed with Pernille Teisbaek’s style and Tylynn Nguyen – my mama muses!

14. Finally, what advice would you give to new working mums? I.e. those who are just going back to work from maternity leave, setting up their own businesses, or going for a new job?

I would say take your time, ease yourself in slowly and enjoy it. Don’t run before you can walk and if you get that gut feeling that something isn’t right its because its not. Step back, assess what it is and have the balls and courage to change it and go for it! Life is too short and these babies grow far too quick so fight for what you feel you deserve and don’t take anything less.
