Working Mum Series: Soru Jewellery

Working Mum Series: Soru Jewellery

Welcome to this months Working Mum Series with the lovely Francesca and Marianna of Soru Jewellery. If you haven’t heard of Soru before, then you absolutely must visit their site and take a look at their stunning collections. The pieces are exquisite and so well priced. If they are good enough for HRH The Duchess of Cambridge, then they are good enough for me! Soru is founded and run by Francesca and Marianna, who are sisters based in the West Midlands. They are British – Sicllian and their jewellery is inspired by their roots. If you have followed me on Instagram for a while, you will know that I am a huge fan of their collections. My absolute favourite pieces though are their pearl hoop earrings. I have them in a few different colour ways and they are just the perfect amount of bling for a night out, and so beautifully made.

So, over to their interview about being working mums and how they run their motherhood and business ships. I think it’s abundantly clear from the interview below that running your own business is no mean feat – especially if you want it to be successful. What Francesca and Marianna show is that they are hugely dedicated to their brand and work around the clock to support it’s success. But more importantly, they work the hours that they want to work, rather than the standard 9-5 hours that are dictated in many day jobs. They balance working and motherhood so well, and have a job that they love. I hope you enjoy the interview




Instagram – Sorujewellery


My Favourite earrings from Soru Jewellery – the Baroque Pearl Hoop Earrings.


Lisa talks to Marianna and Francesca from SORU JEWELLERY


1. Please introduce yourself – what is your job, how many children you have, where you are from etc.

We are Francesca Kelly and Marianna Doyle from Soru Jewellery. We are sisters and own Soru together. Francesca has a daughter- Alessia, 7 years old and I have 2 children- Rosa, 9 and James 6. we are based in Solihull, West Midlands.

2. How many days/hours a week do you work?

Marianna – We work an average of 30 hours a week in the office each, then still do bits at home on the evenings and weekends too.

Francesca – I work Monday- Friday 10am-3/4pm depending if there is a club on after school or not! However In reality I work 24/7. When you have your own business you never quite switch off, im constantly on my phone or up at midnight answering emails. There are just not enough hours in the day!


3. Describe a typical working day in your household (i.e. morning routines with nursery/school drop offs to evening)

Marianna – For me, I get up at 6.45am and get the children ready for school, I drop them off at 8am. Then I either go straight to the office (which is close to the school so I am there before 8.30am) or to the gym then onto the office for 9.30am-10am. I finish at the office for 4pm and collect the children. Home for 4.45pm for dinners, homework etc. The children go to bed about 8.30pm and then I can breathe… or catch up on more emails…!

Fancesca – Im lucky as we are having a phase where my husband drops our daughter to school each morning! So my routine is to make sure she has everything and is ready on time to leave, followed by me then getting myself ready once she has left. I like to fit in 10-20 mins of yoga/pilates each morning at home before I leave for the office. I pick my daughter up from school every day, usually take her to an after school club and then back home where I will cook the dinner after which we do homework. If there is any time left she likes to watch a little TV (while I clear up) before its bath and bed time. We always read together before bed which we both look forward to. I then usually do a couple of hours work before getting myself to bed.


4. How do you balance working life with motherhood? And what/who do you rely on to make it work?

Marianna – There is no time for my phone between 4.45pm and 7.30pm on a weeknight- there is so much going on with club drop offs and homework. I find I have to stay up late to get things done, and it is hard trying to fit everything in. My husband does his fair share of drop offs and dinners- although he can’t be trusted with the homework…or anything school related for that matter- I have a chart on the wall with all the clubs and trips etc- managing 2 children’s school lives is a job in itself! Also- thank God for after school clubs and we have a great babysitter who goes out of her way to be there if we need her.

Francesca – Im still trying to figure this one out. I find it quite hard as I hate being on my phone or laptop when my daughter is around yet its pretty impossible to fit the amount of work in otherwise! I think the key is having great staff who you can rely on to delegate the work too. We have 1 employee currently who is amazing, I don’t know how we coped before she came along however the business is continuing to grow and we now need more staff. Ideally I would say ensure there is at least one day a week where you do not look at your phone and your dedicated to your children, getting to spend quality time with each other. As well as meal times together.


5. What is the best thing about being a working mum?

Marianna – Setting a good example for my children. I want them both to see that their mother and father both work hard to build their businesses.

Francesca – For me its showing my daughter that I earn my own money, work hard and that you can create whatever you want. I hope im inspiring her and setting a good example.


6. And the hardest?

Marianna – Bringing work related worries and stress home. I am fortunate because it’s our own business I can still attend all the sports days and important events at school- I try not to miss anything. But then also because it’s our own business it can be difficult to switch off. School holidays can be hard too- there is the guilt of not being able to spend every day with then while they are off school.

Francesca – That as the mother every other aspect such as food shopping/ cooking/ homework/ bath time/ cleaning, the list goes on, is also down to you naturally no matter if you work or not! I find this very frustrating. I see it in the majority of working mothers around me and its also still very much portrayed this way in society today.


7. How do you unwind? Balancing motherhood with work can be relentless so what do you do to relax when you’re not at work/with the kid(s)?

Marianna – I try and watch a bit of TV on the evenings to unwind- I’m watching Game Of Thrones at the moment, so that with a cup of tea and a piece of cake is all I need really!

Francesca – I take a bath each night before I go to bed. That’s the only time I get to myself and I find it really helps me to relax.


8. What is your proudest mum moment?

Marianna – There are so many- but a recent one is sneaking up stairs while the children were suppose to be going to asleep in their own rooms, only to find James in Rosas room- I listened outside for a while and he was reading a book to her (he is the youngest) and she was sitting next to him on the bed with her arm around him, correcting him and helping him on the words he didn’t know. It was very sweet!

Francesca – Honestly, looking or even just thinking of my daughter, she makes me so proud every day.


9. Do you feel that motherhood has changed you, and if so, how?

Marianna – It has drastically changed my lifestyle, but I don’t think it has changed me as a person. It has changed my worry of mess- I used to like everything perfect, but I have had to learn that is simply not possible with 2 messy kids.

Francesca – Absolutely! Im a nervous wreck since having my daughter! I now not only have myself to look after but another little being who is even more precious than myself. Iv had to learn to adapt and as she has got older I have started to relax a little. I love the quote from Elizabeth Stone ‘to have a baby is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body’ Its so true!


10. What do you feel are the biggest challenges facing working mums at the moment?

Marianna – Time management, and if you work for an employer- getting time off for school related events.

Francesca – I am lucky I get to work for myself because I feel one of the biggest challenges are the un-flexible working hours. Something I always want to offer my staff is the flexibility to work the same amount of hours but at a time to suit them, around your own family life.


11. What is your proudest work achievement?

Marianna – Growing the company year after year, and when The Duchess of Cambridge wore our earrings.

Francesca – My proudest work achievement was giving the business a go from the start. Putting yourself out there can be scary and im so glad we just went for it.


12. What does ‘flexible working’ mean to you’?

Marianna – Being able to work from home when needed, being able to swap hours around if you work for an employer.

Francesca – Being able to work any hours to suit you. As long as the work is done and the hours your paid to work are worked, I think all companies should offer flexible working hours.


13. What are your go to stores/websites/blogs for your working wardrobe, and what are your staple pieces as a working mum?

Marianna – I’m lucky as its just my sister, myself and 2 friends working with us in the office- so anything goes! My working wardrobe is the same as my non-working wardrobe- mainly jeans and cool summer dresses when it’s hot, chunky knits when it’s cold.

Francesca – Again, as I work for myself mainly in an office with my sister and close friend employees I really can wear whatever I like! For me it’s all about being comfortable. In summer I usually just pull on an easy dress and trainers (usually from Zara or Sea NY) and then when the sun isn’t shining my go to is R13 jeans and knitwear, my faves are Allude cashmere, Mchugh Lifestyle and Mr Mittens (I have a bit of thing for knitwear!).


14. Finally, what advice would you give to new working mums? I.e. those who are just going back to work from maternity leave, setting up their own businesses, or going for a new job?

Marianna – Try not to feel guilty. If you are happier working then you will be happier at home. If you are fulfilled, your children will pick up on it. If you set them a good example, they will follow.

Francesca – Not to feel guilty- however even if you were not working you’d still probably feel guilty about that, there seems to be no getting away from mom guilt!


