Spotlight Series: Marks and Spencer

Spotlight Series: Marks and Spencer

Ok, so Autumn has officially set in, and the shops are now full of gorgeous jumpers and coats in the most divine shades. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love summer. But I also love autumn for the sheer fact that I can wrap up all cosy and warm in a jumper and basically feel like I haven’t left my 30 degree heated cocoon of a house. So, in search for some new pieces to add to my Autumn wardrobe, I popped into M&S the other week in the city and was completely overwhelmed by their new collection. I mean, it’s quite rare that you walk into a shop and want to buy everything in sight. But this was exactly what happened (thankfully for my bank balance they were out of stock in a lot of items in my size).

So good was the collection, that I thought I would start a new ‘Spotlight Series’. This will be a series of short blog posts on particular brands/designers when I feel they have a great new collection, or just lots of pieces that I want to buy. Here then, is my quick round up of favourite pieces currently in M&S. I’ve split them into ‘on duty’ and ‘off duty’, but some of the off duty items can very easily be worn to work with a quick smarten up (jumper or blazer over the top of the dresses/skirt and smart trousers with the knitwear). I’d be quick as these items are selling out fast and the price point is fantastic – especially their cashmere jumpers. Happy Shopping!

Just a quick note on sizing – they do come up big so I would go at least one size down in most of their pieces.








